Building offline archives

Posted on August 22, 2022 · Tagged with offline, web-archives, crawlers, browsers, mitmproxy, scraping


I’ve been looking into some ways to work offline.

Here are some reasons for that:

  • Decrease in the quality of general purpose search engine results

  • More targetted searches

  • Better response times and decreased latency for slow websites (since after I download them they’re served from my local network, maybe directly from the disk of my laptop)

  • Sites are disappearing at a high rate. Some content you bookmark today might be gone tommorow.

  • Recently read this post that makes a lot of predictions about the future. One of them says this: "working asynchronously is going to be the new norm". The post goes in more detail about what that means.

Main pipeline

Gp0generatesitemapsp1crawlerp0->p1p2WARCfilesp1->p2p6HAR filesp1->p6p3indexing fortargetted queriesp2->p3p4warc2zimp2->p4p5ZIM filecan be browsedofflinep4->p5

This is the main pipeline. At the end of it, a ZIM file is produced which can be viewed offline by way of kiwix-tools.

Running the following will start a web server that’s able to serve all the pages for offline viewing.

kiwix-serve -i --threads 30 --port 8083 big.zim

There’s also a new archive format called WACZ, and pywb is able to replay from both WARC and WACZ.

Both pywb and kiwix-serve, rely on wombat.js on the client-side which makes use of service workers to rewrite all requests made by a page and have them point to the local archive instead of the original live urls.

Crawlers for dynamic web pages


This crawler predates puppeteer by about 4 years. It’s part of the larger Scrapy eco-system which is very popular for writing crawlers. Actually it’s this component that allows Scrapy to crawl dynamic web pages.

Splash uses Webkit bindings, spawns the browser engine provided by PyQt5.QtWebKit inside Python, it then wraps various callbacks or overrides them with its own and uses Twisted to attach to those callbacks. The first time I saw this I thought it was ingenious, I still think it is. Scrapy is also based on Twisted and makes extensive use of event-based programming.

I found the following sources informative about Splash: source1, source2, source3

Splash also embeds a Lua interpreter and sandbox it in the browser engine, which allows you to send Lua code from Python that gets executed in the browser engine and sends the result back to Python.

Even though their latest docker image is from 2020, now it can still produce HAR files, but the code hasn’t seen much updates lately, and a series of issues have started to crop up:

  • the browser engine or browser used in the docker image is too old 1147, 1152, 1122, 1094

  • incompatible with modern js frameworks 1117

  • memory leaks 1042, 1049, 757

  • some dependency problems are preventing a new build 1136

Splash’s approach is actually much closer to the events that happen in the browser but it signs up for the burden of playing catch-up with browser updates/changes.


This project has quite some momentum behind it because it’s used by at least 3 different orgs on Github: openzim, kiwix and webrecorder.

The main node.js script is crawler.js which starts a puppeteer Cluster and an in-memory job queue, and an uwsgi server running pywb (see config/uwsgi.ini ).

There is a job queue of the pages that were crawled ( see util/state.js ). The purpose of this queue is the same as in most crawlers, it keeps track of all urls seen, but also those in progress and those that are pending.

The pywb instance has both a recorder and a proxy mode (see pywb/apps/ From what I can tell it runs in both modes. The proxy mode should be responsible for mediating the data flow between the browser and the web pages it wants to access whereas the recorder mode should be responsible for generating the WARC records and writing them to disk.

The recorder server lives here pywb/recorder/ and it’s called RecorderApp.

The pywb instance will act as a proxy server that mediates all transfers between crawler.js and the browser. It will also store and serialize all HTTP requests as WARC records.

Let’s imagine a scenario where a single static page is crawled. Here’s a rundown of this scenario:

  1. crawler.js starts (in turn it will start a puppeteer cluster)

  2. the url is enqueued onto the in-memory job queue (or redis)

  3. puppeteer-cluster picks up the task from the job queue and checks if it was already crawled, otherwise it passes it to one of its workers

  4. once it reaches a worker(a pupeteer instance) it gets passed to a browser instance.

  5. this browser instance is actually set up to use a proxy-server. in fact this proxy server is the pywb instance mentioned above.

  6. pywb mediates this HTTP request and already builds a WARC record for the HTTP request it has received

  7. like all proxies, pywb performs this HTTP request (on behalf of the browser which originally made the request).

  8. the HTTP request finishes and an HTTP response is sent back to pywb.

  9. pywb receives the response, builds a WARC record for it, but also sends back the HTTP response to the browser. at this point pywb might also write the WARC record to disk

Now here’s a count for the number of event loops that are present in this scenario:

  • uwsgi

  • pywb and gevent

  • crawler.js

  • one for each puppeteer instance launched by puppeteer-cluster

Even in this scenario there might be things I’ve missed. But even if I capture all the details for that scenario, there are a lot more features I haven’t covered pywb. I could probably fill 4 more blog posts just to describe how all of these work.

pywb also has functionality to play back WARC files directly (I haven’t tried out that part yet)

At the time of writing this, browsertrix-crawler has the following open issues:

  • timeout logic require a bit more work 298, 146

  • high CPU usage 106

UPDATE: Already seeing commits that address some of these open issues.


I’ve done some code-reading of multiple solutions, was able to look at pros and cons, realized that I really need just parts of these solutions and decided to write a simplified one that works for me. I wrote it because it’s smaller, has fewer components and it’s easier for me to reason about and to debug it. Of course it doesn’t have all the functionalities of the other solutions (browser behaviors and screencasting to name a few).

I’ve uploaded it on Github here.

To be able to estimate when a crawl would end, I’ve noticed it’s easier in my case to build the sitemap as a separate step instead of letting the crawler decide which urls to recurse into. So I’d rather build that sitemap as a separate process before I start crawling. This makes the entire process more predictable.

Some websites have a /sitemap.xml endpoint, some don’t. Some will have it under a different name and listed in /robots.txt. Then some of them will have a nested /sitemap.xml which contains links to more specific sitemaps. And then for some the sitemap will be completely missing and a complete crawl will be required to find all the urls.

Doing this complete crawl could actually be avoided if Common Crawl is queried instead, but that won’t have the latest data, actually I’m not sure how often CC runs. But even using a stale pre-computed CC sitemap should improve the speed of a crawl, even if you’d have to check status codes for all urls and figure out if there’s any new urls you haven’t seen, there’s still less to process than if you were to do it from scratch.

For some pages the crawler might not have enough time to fetch all the resources, but that’s okay because a second pass is possible to either:

  • pick up all the failed resources from the HAR files and fetch them

  • parse out the WARC records with text/html mimetype, find out which of them are absent from the WARC and fetch them

These two methods above are not equivalent, but if used together they should bring in most of the content. There’s just one exception which are expiring resources which are not handled, but I’m okay with those not being fetched.

Another part I’ve noticed is the WARC files produced might not be compatible with warc2zim. Some web pages have really odd HTTP responses (corner-cases of the HTTP spec). And usually if I encounter such a corner-case(here’s an example), I can either report it as an issue or exclude it somehow.

The exclusion process is easy and fast before you join all WARC into one. If you’ve already joined them, it will be complicated and error-prone to eliminate a bad WARC record. Not only that but if you remove a WARC record, an entire web page depends on it, together with all its resources, so in fact, all WARC records belonging to that web page should be removed.

I’ve read through the WARC spec. One unanswered question for me is given a WARC record, is it possible to know the web page it belongs to and all WARC records that this web page depends on. I found the WARC spec somewhat terse, maybe I’ll find some more examples about how all their fields work.

Here’s a short diagram that explains how femtocrawl works:

Gp1browserp2mitmproxyp1->p2p3websitep2->p3p4HAR outputwritten to diskp2->p4p5har2warcp4->p5p6WARC filesp5->p6

There’s no puppeteer involved, no devtools protocol is used. Just a browser, mitmproxy and har2warc. One piece that’s not present in the diagram is a custom Firefox profile that’s required for adblocking and proxy settings.

The main use-cases are:

  • building offline web archives

  • website testing

  • cross-testing different web archiving tools

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