Multiple instance Activitywatch remote server setup for time tracking
My setup includes several laptops, a desktop, and a storage server.
Because I split my time across multiple projects, and sometimes I have a dedicated laptop for one project, I find this setup to be useful.
For some time I’ve wanted to take a closer look at how exactly I spend my time during the day, for both personal projects and client work.
I’ve tried other solutions in the past but they didn’t work very well.
Every now and then I have a look at Github and try to review existing
projects, and specifically time-trackers and that’s how I came across ActivityWatch (github).
So ActivityWatch looks like a very well put-together solution, with a main server
that collects the data, and a series of aw-watcher-*
projects that monitor activity in different ways on the machines where
they’re deployed. I really liked that type of design, and I really like
that it gets out of my way and I don’t have to touch it after I have it
set up.
Another reason is sometimes I need to create reports from this data.
Local Setup
Running ActivityWatch locally is very simple, the setup looks like this:
The watchers will collect events and just send them to aw-server
where they get stored (so far I know it can
store the data in SQLite by default, or MongoDB).
The watchers will send to whatever is listening on host port 5600 (in this case aw-server
I wrote a couple of Systemd user unit files to start all of these (except for aw-watcher-web
which is a browser
extension that is active when the browser is), I’ll write about them later on.
One thing I liked here is AW offers both .zip
and .exe
for Windows
(the .exe
being an installer, and the .zip
just self-contained
binaries), which allows me to decide how and when I want to start
it. And on Linux it ships in a .zip
with self-contained binaries
without external dependencies.
Remote Server Setup
Activitywatch have on their roadmap the addition of authentication, encryption and multi-instance/multitenancy. At the time of writing this, those features are not yet finished. This is also mentioned in the documentation but not fully detailed.
One possible workaround is to just have multiple instances of AW running somewhere and SSH tunnels in place to allow data to go where it needs to.
Setup for the remote servers
On the storage server I’ve created three users: aw{1,2,3}
For each of them a private key was generated and placed in their respective authorized_keys
allow SSH authentication using key.
Next I’ve distributed each key accordingly to machine{1,2,3}
I’ve written the following at the end of /etc/ssh/sshd_config
to only
allow those three users to create SSH tunnels, and do port forwarding,
each on its own port, and not be able to get a shell or do anything else:
AllowTcpForwarding yes
Match User aw1
X11Forwarding no
AllowAgentForwarding no
ForceCommand /bin/false
Match User aw2
X11Forwarding no
AllowAgentForwarding no
ForceCommand /bin/false
Match User aw3
X11Forwarding no
AllowAgentForwarding no
ForceCommand /bin/false
Next up we’ll create 3 different chroot environments /opt/aw-env{1,2,3}
Each of the three instances of ActivityWatch aw-server
will be running in a separate chroot, so they’re all going to be separate.
cd /opt/
debootstrap --variant=minbase --include=bash,coreutils --exclude=gcc-10-base,gcc-9-base,perl-base,dpkg,apt,binutils,mount bullseye aw-env1
rm -rf aw-env1/var/cache/apt/archives/*
cp -r aw-env{1,2}
cp -r aw-env{1,3}
chown -R daemon:daemon /opt/aw-env*
And then I’ve written init scripts for aw-server
on the storage server in /etc/init.d/aw{1,2,3}
You can also write a Systemd service instead if you want, in my case an init script was a better fit.
I’m including one of them as the other ones are the same (the port they listen on will differ).
#! /bin/sh
# Provides: activitywatch1
# Required-Start:
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: activitywatch1 daemon
# Note: this script assumes you have a chroot in $CHROOT
# and further, that inside $CHROOT/aw you have an unzipped activitywatch build199 ready-to-go.
DESC="activitywatch1 daemon"
test -d "$CHROOT" || exit 0
. /lib/lsb/init-functions
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
start-stop-daemon --chroot $CHROOT --quiet -b --start --user daemon --chuid daemon --make-pidfile --pidfile $CHROOT/ --no-close --startas \
/usr/bin/env XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/aw/config XDG_CACHE_HOME=/aw/cache XDG_DATA_HOME=/aw/data /bin/bash -- -c "/aw/aw-server/aw-server --host $HOST --port $PORT --log-json > /aw/aw.log 2>&1" >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "$NAME."
# send SIGKILL to all descendants including the main parent
# (also see )
if [ -f "$CHROOT/$PIDFILE" ]; then
kill $(ps --no-headers --forest -o pid -g $(ps -o sid= -p $MAIN_PID))
echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
echo "$NAME not running"
echo "$NAME."
$0 stop
sleep 2
$0 start
if test -f "$CHROOT/$PIDFILE" && ps -p $(cat "$CHROOT/$PIDFILE") >/dev/null ; then
echo "$NAME still active"
echo "$NAME inactive"
exit 0
echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status}" >&2
exit 1
exit 0
Setup for Windows machine
One of the machines machine{1,2,3}
in my case is a Windows10 machine and I’d like
to run ActivityWatch on there too. I just want it to start at logon and not get in the
way so I wrote a Powershell script that will be run as a Scheduled Task and run at logon.
The script I wrote makes use of the Microsoft OpenSSH client which can be installed like this:
Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client*
The way it works is it just checks if the required SSH port on the storage server is accessible
and if so, it creates an SSH tunnel (similar to how we’ve created the Linux SSH tunnel above) and
then it starts aw-qt.exe
which starts all the watchers.
This is optional, but the script will also start an SSH daemon from WSL, which is installed on my Windows machine.
It can be installed/uninstalled by running Start > cmd.exe
and then running one of the following:
schtasks /TN AWStartup /Create /TR "powershell.exe -file c:\users\user\aw\aw-local\tunnel_on_startup.ps1" /RU user /SC ONLOGON /IT
schtasks /delete /tn AWStartup /f
function testport{
$requestCallback = $state = $null
$client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient
$where = [IPAddress]$hostname.ToString()
$beginConnect = $client.BeginConnect($where,$port,$requestCallback,$state)
Start-Sleep -milli $timeOut
if ($client.Connected) { $open = $true } else { $open = $false }
$max_retries = 7
$has_network_connectivity = $false;
for($i=0;$i -lt $max_retries;$i++){
$ping = testport -hostname "" -port 2223 -timeout 800
if($ {
$has_network_connectivity = $true
if(! $has_network_connectivity) {
Write-Host "Not connected!"
} else {
Write-Host "Connected!"
bash -c "sudo service ssh --full-restart"
Start-Process "C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe" "-p 2223 -i c:\users\user\aw\aw-local\aw3.private -N -L 5600: aw3@"
Sleep 1
Start-Process "C:\Users\user\aw\aw-local\activitywatch\aw-qt.exe"
Write-Host "Finished.."
Write-Host "Sleeping 10 seconds .."
Sleep 10
Setup for Linux machine
The following goes in ~/.config/systemd/user/aw-server.service
[Unit] Description=aw local server [Service] Type=simple StandardOutput=journal WorkingDirectory=/tmp ExecStart=/data/activitywatch/activitywatch/aw-server/aw-server RestartSec=1s Restart=always #Restart=on-failure [Install]
In the same way, write 3 more files:
withExecStart=/usr/bin/ssh -p 2223 -i <private_key> -N -S /home/user/.aw2.ssh.sock -L 5600: aw2@
Now you install these user units and start them:
systemctl --user enable aw-ww systemctl --user enable aw-afk systemctl --user enable aw-server systemctl --user enable aw-remote-server systemctl --user disable aw-server systemctl --user daemon-reload systemctl --user restart aw-remote-server systemctl --user restart aw-ww systemctl --user restart aw-afk
If you liked this article and would like to discuss more about setting up ActivityWatch feel free to reach out at |